Dropdown List And
    • 22 Oct 2020
    • 2 Minutes to read
    • Contributors

    Dropdown List And

    Article summary


    The Dropdown List And object type defines an Array (of Text) data element for your app.

    When included in a visual layout, a drop down box appears allowing the user to select multiple items within a group of choices.

    Visual Experience

    Below is an example of this object's visual experience.




    Below is an example with 2 items unpacked. Unpacking is useful when you want to prominantly display the most common options. The remaining options appear in the drop down box.



    Properties are accessible directly on the object panel.

    Display TitleNoDisplayed object title
    ConjunctionNoConjunction word (e.g. and, or) used in language with multiple selections
    Display ItemsYesList of contained items


    Settings are additional properties accessible by clicking the 'Settings' button.

    Grid - NameNoName of grid (objects with same name appear together)
    Grid - Padding Columns SizeNoPixel value of space between columns
    Grid - Padding Rows SizeNoPixel value of space between rows
    Grid - Column SizeNoSize of column in pixels (empty will auto-size)
    Grid - Row SizeNoSize of row in pixels (empty will auto-size)
    Group - NameNoName of group within grid (objects with same name appear together)
    Sizing - WidthNoPixel value of object width (empty for default)
    Sizing - HeightNoPixel value of object height (empty for default)
    Sizing - MarginNoMargin pixel values (L,T,R,B format)
    Title - ShowNoWhether or not to show object title
    Title - UnderlineNoWhether or not to underline object title
    Title - MarginNoMargin pixel values (L,T,R,B format)
    Title - ForegroundNoForeground color (#RRGGBB format)
    Alignment - VerticalNoVertical alighnment position within container grid cell
    Alignment - HorizontalNoHorizontal alighnment position within container grid cell
    Alignment - ItemsNoAlignment orientation for contained items
    Spanning - Column SpanNo# of columns to span in containing grid
    Spanning - Row SpanNo# of rows to span in containing grid
    Coloring - BackgroundNoColor of background (#RRGGBB format)
    Coloring - ForegroundNoColor of foreground (#RRGGBB format)
    Border - ThicknessNoPixel value of border thickness
    Border - ColorNoColor of border (#RRGGBB format)
    MigrateNoWhether or not to migrate values between instances
    Bundle - Unpack #No# of items to unpack from group selection box


    This object supports an underlying data type accessible to scripts.

    Data Type: Array (of Text)



    Additional Resources

    Learn more about app Scripting